Water Budget-Based Rates

Understanding your water rates

The City of Chino is committed to providing high-quality water and reliable service to its utility customers. That’s why we conduct frequent water testing, maintain and replace equipment, and perform regular financial checkups.

The latest evaluation of water rates by an independent third party recommended a move to budget-based rates with three price tiers. The City Council approved this new rate structure, which is tailored to the needs of each customer. Water budget-based rates will be reflected on customer bills generated on December 6, 2019, and later.

Each customer is given an individualized budget for indoor and outdoor water use, based on the number of residents in a home, the amount of irrigated landscape, weather, and other factors.

Water use indoors is covered by the lowest rate tier, followed by efficient outdoor use; anything over budget is considered inefficient and is covered under the third, highest-priced tier. Customers who stay within their budget may see a decrease in their monthly water bill.

This website is designed to answer questions you may have about budget-based rates. Feel free to explore the sections on frequently asked questions and why rates are changing and try the bill estimator tool to see how the new rate structure will affect you.

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Water Budget-Based Rates

Understanding your water rates

The City of Chino is committed to providing high-quality water and reliable service to its utility customers. That’s why we conduct frequent water testing, maintain and replace equipment, and perform regular financial checkups.

The latest evaluation of water rates by an independent third party recommended a move to budget-based rates with three price tiers. The City Council approved this new rate structure, which is tailored to the needs of each customer. Water budget-based rates will be reflected on customer bills generated on December 6, 2019, and later.

Each customer is given an individualized budget for indoor and outdoor water use, based on the number of residents in a home, the amount of irrigated landscape, weather, and other factors.

Water use indoors is covered by the lowest rate tier, followed by efficient outdoor use; anything over budget is considered inefficient and is covered under the third, highest-priced tier. Customers who stay within their budget may see a decrease in their monthly water bill.

This website is designed to answer questions you may have about budget-based rates. Feel free to explore the sections on frequently asked questions and why rates are changing and try the bill estimator tool to see how the new rate structure will affect you.

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