Understanding Budget-Based Rates

Your water bill is made up of two types of charges: fixed and variable. The fixed charge, or Readiness-to-Serve charge, covers the cost of operating the system and is based on the size of your meter. Variable charges include the commodity rate, which fluctuates based on how much water is used. The commodity rate includes three price levels – Tier 1 for indoor water use, Tier 2 for outdoor use and Tier 3 for anything over that. Each household receives an individualized water budget for efficient indoor and outdoor use based on their unique needs.

Tier 1


Indoor Use

The indoor budget includes water for drinking, bathing and all other essential needs and falls under the lowest-priced rate tier.


  • Household Size = 4 persons

  • Number of Dwelling Units = 1

  • Days of Service in June bill = 30 days

  • Drought Factor = 100% (There is no drought)

  • Variance Factor = 0 hcf (This customer doesnot have a special circumstance)

*748 is the conversion unit from gallons to a billing unit of one hundred cubic feet (hcf)

Tier 2


Outdoor Use

The outdoor budget allocates water for the efficient irrigation of landscaped areas and is covered under the Tier 2 rate.

Example (single family)

  • Landscape Area = 4,000 square feet

  • ET for January = 2.05 inches

  • ETAF for January = 0.80
  • Drought Factor = 100% (There is no drought)
  • Variance Factor = 0 hcf (This customer does not need additional water for a special circumstance)

**1,200 is the factor used to convert to billing units in hundred cubic feet (hcf)

Tier 3

Inefficient Use

Water use that exceeds the combined indoor and outdoor budget is considered inefficient and is billed at the Tier 3 rate, which reflects the higher price of acquiring additional water supplies.

Tier 3

Inefficient Use

The City of Chino wants to make sure you have all the water you need for efficient use indoors and out. That’s why we offer variances for special circumstances such as larger households, day care operations or medical needs. The default household size is four unless updated occupancy numbers are provided to the city.

You cmay request a water Budget Adjustment Form by calling (909) 334-3264, or going to the Contact Us page at www.ChinoRates.com. Forms are also avaliable at City Hall, 13220 Central Avenue, Chino. We will consider each request on a case-by-case basis.

Indoor water budget factors

Dwelling Units – The number of dwelling units served by the meter. For example, a single-family residence is one dwelling unit. Multi-family units will have more than one dwelling unit per account.

Days of Service – The number of days of service in a billing cycle for each customer.

DF indoor – Indoor drought factor, which is adjusted down during extreme water shortages, supply shortages or emergency conditions. When no shortage exists, the indoor drought factor is set at 100 percent.

V indoor – Indoor variance for unique customer circumstances such as medical needs, day care, etc. The City will approve variances on a case-by-case basis.


Outdoor water budget factors

Landscape Area – The square footage of irrigated landscaping, including pools and spas. The City of Chino uses aerial mapping data to determine the default irrigated acreage.

ET – Evapotranspiration, the sum of evaporation and plant transpiration, is measured in inches of water during the billing period based on daily local weather data.

ETAF – Evapotranspiration Adjustment Factor is a State-legislated efficiency standard that adjusts the outdoor water budget value based on the plant types and irrigation efficiency.

DF outdoor – Outdoor drought factor. The outdoor drought factor will be set at 100 percent of the water budget allotment when there is no water shortage in the City’s service area and it is not required by regional and State agencies.

V outdoor – Outdoor variance. A water budget may be adjusted to fit the circumstances of any customer. Request a Water Budget Adjustment Form by calling (909) 334-3264, or going to the Contact Us page at www.ChinoRates.com.

NOTE: Landscape customers have two tiers based on amount of irrigated area; commercial and recycled water users pay a flat rate

Understanding Budget-Based Rates

Your water bill is made up of two types of charges: fixed and variable. The fixed charge, or Readiness-to-Serve charge, covers the cost of operating the system and is based on the size of your meter. Variable charges include the commodity rate, which fluctuates based on how much water is used. The commodity rate includes three price levels – Tier 1 for indoor water use, Tier 2 for outdoor use and Tier 3 for anything over that. Each household receives an individualized water budget for efficient indoor and outdoor use based on their unique needs.

Tier 1


Indoor Use

The indoor budget includes water for drinking, bathing and all other essential needs and falls under the lowest-priced rate tier.


  • Household Size = 4 persons

  • Number of Dwelling Units = 1

  • Days of Service in June bill = 30 days

  • Drought Factor = 100% (There is no drought)

  • Variance Factor = 0 hcf (This customer doesnot have a special circumstance)

*748 is the conversion unit from gallons to a billing unit of one hundred cubic feet (hcf)

Tier 2


Outdoor Use

The outdoor budget allocates water for the efficient irrigation of landscaped areas and is covered under the Tier 2 rate.

Example (single family)

  • Landscape Area = 4,000 square feet

  • ET for January = 2.05 inches

  • ETAF for January = 0.80
  • Drought Factor = 100% (There is no drought)
  • Variance Factor = 0 hcf (This customer does not need additional water for a special circumstance)

**1,200 is the factor used to convert to billing units in hundred cubic feet (hcf)

Tier 3

Inefficient Use

Water use that exceeds the combined indoor and outdoor budget is considered inefficient and is billed at the Tier 3 rate, which reflects the higher price of acquiring additional water supplies.

Tier 3

Inefficient Use

The City of Chino wants to make sure you have all the water you need for efficient use indoors and out. That’s why we offer variances for special circumstances such as larger households, day care operations or medical needs. The default household size is four unless updated occupancy numbers are provided to the city.

You may request a water Budget Adjustment Form by calling (909) 334-3264, or going to the Contact Us page at www.ChinoRates.com. Forms are also avaliable at City Hall, 13220 Central Avenue, Chino. We will consider each request on a case-by-case basis.

Indoor water budget factors

Dwelling Units – The number of dwelling units served by the meter. For example, a single-family residence is one dwelling unit. Multi-family units will have more than one dwelling unit per account.

Days of Service – The number of days of service in a billing cycle for each customer.

DF indoor – Indoor drought factor, which is adjusted down during extreme water shortages, supply shortages or emergency conditions. When no shortage exists, the indoor drought factor is set at 100 percent.

V indoor – Indoor variance for unique customer circumstances such as medical needs, day care, etc. The City will approve variances on a case-by-case basis.


Outdoor water budget factors

Landscape Area – The square footage of irrigated landscaping, including pools and spas. The City of Chino uses aerial mapping data to determine the default irrigated acreage.

ET – Evapotranspiration, the sum of evaporation and plant transpiration, is measured in inches of water during the billing period based on daily local weather data.

ETAF – Evapotranspiration Adjustment Factor is a State-legislated efficiency standard that adjusts the outdoor water budget value based on the plant types and irrigation efficiency.

DF outdoor – Outdoor drought factor. The outdoor drought factor will be set at 100 percent of the water budget allotment when there is no water shortage in the City’s service area and it is not required by regional and State agencies.

V outdoor – Outdoor variance. A water budget may be adjusted to fit the circumstances of any customer. Request a Water Budget Adjustment Form by calling (909) 334-3264, or going to the Contact Us page at www.ChinoRates.com.

NOTE: Landscape customers have two tiers based on amount of irrigated area; commercial and recycled water users pay a flat rate