Budget-based rates are a tool used by many water agencies because they are fair, encourage water conservation and create financial stability. The budgets are designed to meet each customer’s unique needs based on the efficient use of water. Allocations have two parts: indoor and outdoor use, which are based on various factors, such as number of residents in the home and amount of irrigated, landscaped area. Customers who exceed their budgets are charged at a higher rate for their excess use.

Several factors are considered when calculating a water budget, including amount of landscaped area, number of residents in the household and weather. This information helps accurately determine each customer’s water needs.

The City of Chino understands that each customer has unique water needs. To respect those differences and guarantee fairness, the City will offer variances to budgets that provide an increased water allowance for licensed care facilities, medical needs, large families, livestock and other unique circumstances. The default household size will be four unless you update occupancy numbers with the City. You may request a Water Budget Adjustment Form at City Hall, 13220 Central Avenue, Chino; through the Contact Us page online at www.ChinoRates.com, or by calling Customer Service at 909-334-3264.

Rather than using one standard rate, a budget-based rate structure for residential customers includes three tiers. With a tiered system, the average bill for indoor and outdoor water is usually less than with a non-tiered system.

TIER 1, the lowest-priced water, is for indoor use and is based on the state standard of 55 gallons per person, per day.

TIER 2 is the allocation for efficient outdoor use based on the amount of landscaped area, weather and the rate that water is lost to evaporation.

TIER 3 is any use beyond Tier 2 and is considered inefficient; this is the highest-priced tier.

Landscape customers have two tiers and commercial customers will retain the uniform rate structure.

Customers who stay within their budget allocation will see a decrease in their monthly water bill. For example, an August bill for a single-family home with four residents, a ¾-inch meter and a landscape area of 2,581 square feet will be about $7.37 less under the new rate structure. To get an idea of how your bill might be affected, use our budget-based rates estimator tool at www.chinorates.com.

Weather is taken into consideration when setting water budgets. It is understood that vegetation requires more water, particularly in arid regions, so outdoor water budgets increase during warm months and decrease during cooler times of the year. Each month’s allocation is designed to meet the water needs for that period.

Efficiency is a critical component for saving water and money. Rebates for installing water-saving appliances can be found through http://socalwatersmart.com/en/residential/.

If you regularly exceed your budget, try following these tips:


  • Check toilets for leaks.Install ultra-low-flush toilets.
  • Take shorter showers or wash in the bathtub; partially filled tub uses less water than showering.
  • Turn off the water when shaving or brushing your teeth.
  • Install water-saving showerheads.
  • Replace washers to prevent dripping faucets.
  • Run full loads only in the dishwasher and washing machine.
  • Fill the sink when washing/rinsing dishes by hand instead of letting the water run.


  • Replace your lawn with low-water plants.
  • Adjust sprinklers to avoid watering sidewalks and driveways.
  • Mulch around trees and plants to keep soil moist.
  • Don’t let the hose run while washing cars, animals, etc.
  • Use a broom instead of the hose to clean sidewalks and driveways.
  • Install drip irrigation and a weather-based irrigation controller.
  • Set mower blades to 3 inches to encourage deeper roots.

Take advantage of the free Landscape Design Assistance Program offered through a collaboration between Chino Basin Water Conservation District and Inland Empire Utility Agency.

You can find more water-saving information and resources at:

Or give us a call at (909) 334-3264.


Budget-based rates are a tool used by many water agencies because they are fair, encourage water conservation and create financial stability. The budgets are designed to meet each customer’s unique needs based on the efficient use of water. Allocations have two parts: indoor and outdoor use, which are based on various factors, such as number of residents in the home and amount of irrigated, landscaped area. Customers who exceed their budgets are charged at a higher rate for their excess use.

Several factors are considered when calculating a water budget, including amount of landscaped area, number of residents in the household and weather. This information helps accurately determine each customer’s water needs.

The City of Chino understands that each customer has unique water needs. To respect those differences and guarantee fairness, the City will offer variances to budgets that provide an increased water allowance for licensed care facilities, medical needs, large families, livestock and other unique circumstances. The default household size will be four unless you update occupancy numbers with the City. You may request a Water Budget Adjustment Form at City Hall, 13220 Central Avenue, Chino; through the Contact Us page online at www.ChinoRates.com, or by calling Customer Service at 909-334-3264.

Rather than using one standard rate, a budget-based rate structure for residential customers includes three tiers. With a tiered system, the average bill for indoor and outdoor water is usually less than with a non-tiered system.

TIER 1, the lowest-priced water, is for indoor use and is based on the state standard of 55 gallons per person, per day.

TIER 2 is the allocation for efficient outdoor use based on the amount of landscaped area, weather and the rate that water is lost to evaporation.

TIER 3 is any use beyond Tier 2 and is considered inefficient; this is the highest-priced tier.

Landscape customers have two tiers and commercial customers will retain the uniform rate structure.

Customers who stay within their budget allocation will see a decrease in their monthly water bill. For example, an August bill for a single-family home with four residents, a ¾-inch meter and a landscape area of 2,581 square feet will be about $7.37 less under the new rate structure. To get an idea of how your bill might be affected, use our budget-based rates estimator tool at www.chinorates.com.

Weather is taken into consideration when setting water budgets. It is understood that vegetation requires more water, particularly in arid regions, so outdoor water budgets increase during warm months and decrease during cooler times of the year. Each month’s allocation is designed to meet the water needs for that period.

Efficiency is a critical component for saving water and money. Rebates for installing water-saving appliances can be found through http://socalwatersmart.com/en/residential/.

If you regularly exceed your budget, try following these tips:


  • Check toilets for leaks.Install ultra-low-flush toilets.
  • Take shorter showers or wash in the bathtub; partially filled tub uses less water than showering.
  • Turn off the water when shaving or brushing your teeth.
  • Install water-saving showerheads.
  • Replace washers to prevent dripping faucets.
  • Run full loads only in the dishwasher and washing machine.
  • Fill the sink when washing/rinsing dishes by hand instead of letting the water run.


  • Replace your lawn with low-water plants.
  • Adjust sprinklers to avoid watering sidewalks and driveways.
  • Mulch around trees and plants to keep soil moist.
  • Don’t let the hose run while washing cars, animals, etc.
  • Use a broom instead of the hose to clean sidewalks and driveways.
  • Install drip irrigation and a weather-based irrigation controller.
  • Set mower blades to 3 inches to encourage deeper roots.

Take advantage of the free Landscape Design Assistance Program offered through a collaboration between Chino Basin Water Conservation District and Inland Empire Utility Agency.

You can find more water-saving information and resources at:

Or give us a call at (909) 334-3264.